Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 2(?)

As suspected, waiting until the afternoon or evening to workout was not as easy as 'just do(ing) it.' For me, if I want to work out I've had to do it first thing in the morning before things get going and life happens; daily emergencies pop up, situations perceived as more important or needing immediate attention arise, taking care of clients or other peoples problems. Almost anything that comes up seems more important than working out, after all, we can always work out later. Well, usually later never comes, and before you know it, it's tomorrow.

I was a little more firm with myself today and did work out this afternoon, starting with yesterdays workout, and can already see this is going to be difficult to schedule.

I call today's workout yesterdays workout because I missed it yesterday and it is important to me to be on a Monday through Sunday schedule leaving my rest day or easy/stretch day for Sunday. This means I will have to double up one day this week; I think I can do it.

I should mention here that today I've decided to not do the traditional P90X but one of their suggested modifications, P90X Lean. The third option is P90X Doubles, which is mostly what it sounds like, doubling up several days per week. P90X Lean rearranges the order of parts of the program, substituting some additional fat burning portions from later in the program in place of some of the bulking portions that come earlier. My goal is to get lean and mean, stregthen some muscle but not bulk up. I like being skinny, and I'm already a bit bulkier than I like.

Today (this afternoon, aka:yesterdays workout), is Core Synergistics. Todays scheduled workout was Cardio, so I think my best bet is to try to double up today or tomorrow, since Cardio is a shorter workout and more resperitory than muscle fatiguing. That would put me back on track.

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