Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dec 1, day 1

I made it. Day one, core synergistics. I am sick with something like the flu so I mostly went through the motions but I committed the time and finished. I know what you're thinking - what are you doing working out when you are sick, especially with something like a virus?! I'm working my ass off is what I'm doing, granted I only went through the motions mostly just stretching, I committed the time and am not letting another excuse get in the way.

It went well. If I felt overexerted, I slowed down. If I couldn't breathe or started hacking, I took a break and chugged water. Most importantly, I started and feel better for it. I took a nice hot shower and will spend the rest of the day going back to recovering from being sick.

I think the increased blood flow, extra water intake, as a result improved rest, hot shower, and overall feeling better physically and emotionally, will aid in my recovery as well. At least I will assume so:-)

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